Facts, not Fantasy

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just the Vax: Vaccine Exemption and Disease: Rubella

Sometimes irony just screams at you.  I think this particular notice from Just the Vax is one such instance.
The CDC published the Vaccination Coverage Among Children in Kindergarten United States, 2009/10 School Year in the June 3 issue of its MMRW today. Some media outlets picked up the news that Washington has highest vaccine opt-out rate in country. Over 6% of Kindergartners have an exemption for one or more vaccines. While that doesn't seem much at first glance, it does push vaccination coverage at an age where kids are very likely to spread disease under the level that is assumed to be needed for herd immunity. Ironically, in the same issue of the MMWR, the CDC reports two cases of rubella in Washington, one imported, one indigenous.

Honestly? I wonder what sort of false eco-nostalgic ideals Washingtonians are striving for, but is it really those times when hundreds (thousands in epidemic years) of babies per year contracted rubella in the womb and died in utero, or were born with horrendous malformations, deaf, blind, with heart defects?!

Vaccine exemptions lead to disease outbreaks - this is a small example. I wonder how many larger and much more catastrophic examples it will need for some parents to clue in? 
I think the thing that truly makes this ironic is that congenital rubella syndrome is one known cause of autism. See, it just screams at you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not an expert but none of my grandchildren has been vaccinated and they are extremely healthy, We do not trust doctors and big pharma. I haven't seen a doctor for the last 28 years, I got a ligth flu every 3 or 4 years, almost 60, run a marathon every year, last time I had a legal drug from a doctor: 35 years ago. I do not care if you are vaccinated or not, I only keep my immune system as strong as possible using natural products, healthy life style and not following any traditional doctor's advice.


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