Every Child By Two, which can be found at ecbt.org is our pro-health website of the day. It is chock full of important information. For instance, did you know that every $1 spent on vaccinations saves $6.30 in direct medical costs, for a total savings of over $10 Billion per year? Neither did I, and that is only counting direct medical savings; once you factor in total societal savings it goes up to $18.40, producing societal aggregate savings of $42 billion.
Here is the kind of useful information one can find at this website (I apologize the formatting did not carry over you can click here to see the source of this information). I encourage all to peruse the website and learn as much of these facts as possible, to use them to counter all the anti-vaccine misinformation out there, in the fight for our children’s health.
Childhood Vaccines Save Lives and Money
- Routine childhood immunization
- 33,000 deaths prevented
- $43 billion saved
Disease Cases Prevented Deaths PreventedDiphtheria 247,212 24,721Tetanus 146 22Pertussis 2,614,874 1,008Polio 60,974 723Measles 3,433,036 2,794Mumps 2,095,917 11Rubella 1,784,030 14CRS 602 66Hib 17,469 661Hepatitis B 207,353 3,024Varicella 3,788,807 57Total 13,622,004 33,101Sources
For every $1 spent: DTaP saves2 $27.00MMR saves3 $26.00H. Influenza type b saves4 $5.40Perinatal Hep B saves5 $14.70Varicella saves6 $5.40Inactivated Polio (IPV) saves7 $5.45
1 Zhou, et al., Arch PediatrAdolescMed, 159(Dec 2005):1136-1144
2 Ekwuemeet al, Arch PediatrAdolescMed, 154(Aug 2000): 797-803
3 Zhou, et al., J Infect Dis, 189(2004): S131-145
4 Zhou, et al., Pediatrics, 110:4(Oct 2002): 653-661
5 Zhou, et al., CDC unpublisheddata
6 Lieu, et al., JAMA, 271(1994): 375-81
7 Zhou, et al., CDC unpublished data Childhood
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